Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 36

Got a call this morning saying the doctor I was supposed to see was sick, so I would have to reschedule. Luckily they could squeeze me in in the afternoon so I was still able to go today.  The heart rate was good about 130's.  I am 1 cm dialated and 40% effaced. We definatly still have some time, but things have started.   I was probably about the same with Matthew about 36 weeks and he was almost a week late, so we will see.

I am feeling fine, having ligament pains on occasion, but other than that feeling fine.  I am almost ready to be done. I never felt that with Matthew.  With him I think I was excited, but nervous about the change.  I felt just fine up to the end, in fact, the day I went into labor I was debating on going into work then decided I would just go in the sign papers.  This time I am tired of my tummy getting in the way of everything! I am so much bigger (well measuring right on, and with Matthew I was always small) and it is definitely harder to bend over and get up and down off the floor this time around.  That being said, I want this baby to stay in as long as he needs to. :)

And yes we are getting super excited to meet this guy

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