Thursday, November 13, 2014

New experiences

Last night I had awful contractions for about three hours straight. I did not sleep from 1:30-4:30.   They were not as bad as full blown contractions, but still pretty intense, like bad really cramps.  They were about 5 minutes apart and 30-50 seconds every time.  However they never did get more intense than they started, so didn't think it was real labor.  Was debating calling the hospital and asking if they did not stop in the next hour if I should come in and get it checked.  I woke up Michael to tell him about the pain finally.  I had taken tylenol, changed positions, walked around, not much helped. Maybe next time I'll try a warm bath. So Michael gave me a blessing and almost immediately the next ones were gradually less intense and within 10 minutes I was asleep, and sometime they stopped.  I have had contractions today, but nothing painful like last night. This is a new experience for me. With Matthew I didn't feel any contractions that were painful at all, just kept dilating until they stripped my membranes at 5 days overdue and 2 hours later intense labor starting. I could definitely tell those were real! I had never had so much pain in my life and was throwing up because of it.  So this pregnancy has been very different at the end. Could be a few days, still could be a couple weeks away...

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