Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Oh fun times again!

The results came back from the glucose test, and I was over by like 9 points. They said that is not much, but I still need to do the three hour test :(.  For those of you who have never done this you have to go to the office fasting the 12 hours before, then go get your blood drawn. Then you get to drink a more concentrated drink, and I think they take your blood every hour after that.  You have to stay at the office during this so three hours in the waiting room. Joy.  Four blood tests. If you pass all but one they may just recommend diet changes, if you have more then you have other things you have to do.  Wish me luck :).  A lot of people who take this second test don't actually have it, but also a fair number who do. 

They also said I'm anemic.  Much lower than they'd like. I didn't have that with Matthew that I know of, but they recommended I do iron and they will take blood again at the next appointment to make sure I am doing better. We usually eat a lot of beans, meat, eggs, green veggies, etc., but guess we need more.  Will be working on that. I do get tired easily and dizzy on occasion (once driving down the road, not good, and yes I did pull over!) but I figured its just regular pregnancy symptoms since it didn't seem too bad or often with dizziness. 

Also they did not mention the thyroid. I called them back and they said that it was normal so they didn't mention it. I figured that was the case, but better to make sure. 

Anyway glucose round two is tommorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the longer glucose test! I had to do it with candon (i didn't have to have a more concentrated drink though), and it isn't fun, but I didn't have any trace of gestational diabetes with it, so hopefully it will be the same for you!!
