Friday, January 10, 2014

the beginning of a new chapter....

This will be a relatively short post, but just so everyone who is following is aware, we did get tested for pregnancy and it turned up negative.  Our choice now as far as treatments go is talk to the doctor, who will likely recommend IVF.  Right now, this is not the direction we wish to go. Not saying that in the future that will change, but for now we are definatly done.  After countless hours of treatments and thousands of dollars, we definatly need a break.  We plan to start looking into adoption in a few months and see how we feel, if we should persue that option or reconsider.  I have always wanted to adopt, many of my best friends were adopted growing up, and I think that started me thinking what an awesome thing it was! Even when I was single I went to an adoption conference in Logan with many families who had either adopted or given a child for adoption and it was great!  That being said, I know it can be just as hard of a road as fertility treatments, and much more time waiting.  However, after doing some research and meeting with some people, if we feel this is where we should head currently we will do it!  It is getting harder and harder to adopt with more people wishing to raise their children on their own, but its not impossible yet! :). 
We felt that we would get pregnant when we started this journey, and it was true, we did. That pregnancy did not last.  After that pregnancy I never felt specifically we would get pregnant as we had before.  I truly hope there are more children meant to come to our family, whatever way they come into our family is fine by me. I would just like at least one, and maybe two more if it be the Lord's will.
Every day until that time we will be thankful for the sweet guy we have been blessed with and enjoy him.  He is such a charmer!  I can't imagine life without him. He takes a lot of work, he is a very hyper boy, but it is so worth it! We wish all our other friends in our situation the best, and pray that you are guided to know how to expand your families as well. Signing off for now,will update as we know things in the coming months and year...thanks for following with us on our journey, which I believe has only just begun.


  1. Thank you for the update. I've been anxious for it. We continue to pray for you. Sure love you.

  2. I know we will be in contact in other ways beyond the blog but best of luck in this continued journey. I do hope answers and direction come easily and that you can feel peace and comfort throughout this difficult and long process.
