Friday, May 10, 2013


No, not talking scriptures here folks...its the medical procedure.  We will not have internet for a few days so writing this a bit early.  The plan is to go in for the D & C at the hospital on monday morning.  It is kind of a rushed procedure.  Originally we had discussed doing the procedure at the fertility doc's office. They don't put you completely under, just mostly. They said you feel some pain, but will not be with it enough to remember by the next day. However, we learned we would have to wait three more weeks to get in with the only doctor who takes our insurance there.  We will defiantly meet our 3,000 dollar deductible with this procedure and then some. When it all come out , looks like we will pay a few hundred more because we decided to do the hospital route. This will allow us to do the procedure earlier, and if we qualify perhaps medicaid will chip in a bit (in process of applying). We are not counting on that at all however.  Michael is very nervous about having me under anesthesia since he has seen so many different reactions in the hospital to it.  So we are praying all goes well.  The procedure itself is relatively simple, only taking about 3 to 4 minutes they say,  but I will probably be in the hospital a few hours....
However, we are not 100% certain we can go ahead with the procedure.  They did a urine test in the doc's office, and the test still comes out positive for pregnancy.  That is strike one. This is not completly unnormal, as it takes awhile for levels to go back down and your body still thinks its pregnant.  So I had to go in for a HcG blood draw (I am sooooooooooo getting tired of these draws...yuck!) .  If the levels are lower than when I started pregnancy I will get a green light to go ahead. However, if they are the same or still higher I have to get a second blood test drawn on mother's day (yeah, considering I will be home with Matthew all day[except church of course] by myself while Michael is doing labs for choice on that, he comes or is kicked out of the program).  Not super excited if you can't tell. Anyway, we are hoping all works out with everything.  So many things going on here, so lots and lots of prayers please!!!  What if the levels aren't down or coming down, what will we do? um..yeah...I have no idea!


  1. Ugh so much stress! I hope monday will work out and that things can start to get back to normal for both your body and your lives. This has turned into such a stress but I know good things come from trials so blessings do await. We will keep praying for answers and help.

  2. That was supposed to end with health. Sometimes my tired brain just finishes typing for me and it is not what I was going for at all!
