Friday, April 26, 2013

Got the news...

We went in for an ultrasound today and the news was not what we were hoping to hear, but also trying to prepare ourselves for just in case. There is only one baby. When we got the ultrasound the baby was measuring big deal to me cuz Matthew measured small, he still does! (24 lbs, 2 1/2 years old).  But you combine it with the other factors, and it is almost guarenteed there is a genetic abnormality and this pregnancy is not going to survive.  The other factors were: there was a bleed elsewhere in the uterus, the yolk sac was extra large, the size of the baby, and the heartbeat was only about 40 beats a minute, where it should be 100+.  I knew it would not be good news when the first thing she said was "well, there is the baby and the heart is beating about 40 beats a minute". I knew that was way too slow for the baby to survive.  She did not give us much hope for even a slim possibility for survival, unless things suddenly changed super fast.
It was very hard to hear the news, especially after the time and money spent to even get this far.  It will probably take a bit of time to process.  However, for now she said treat the pregnancy as if it is still viable because there is a heart beat, which means I am still taking progrestrone.  This also means if the heart stops beating and normally you would bleed and cramp, this may not happen.  So we are getting an ultrasound done the next friday to see where we are at, and if the baby is still alive at that point.  We will discuss what to do then.
We realize these things happen, and a lot of people have had to go through exactly what we are going through.  However, we ask for your continued prayers for the strength of our family.  One day our family will grow, but when and where is not always up to us. I know the Lord will send a child somehow at the right place and time. Waiting is hard, but I guess it is a great way to learn compassion and patience.
The hardest part is knowing what to do next. We don't really have funds now to keep try much longer, if at all, so if this does not work out, which is highly likely, we will probably wait a few months and then figure out what we can do and when.  We'd love to hear other's stories that have delt with this too. I'm not sure when we will post again, we will just have to see how things go.
In the mean time the best thing we can do is cherish our dear Matthew, who still is more and more of a miracle and everyday. A definate gift from our loving Heavenly Father.


  1. We'll keep praying for you guys. If we learned anything from Rad it's that everything is in Heavenly Fathers hand and nothing the doctors say is as for sure as His plan for families. No matter the outcome. Love you guys.

  2. Been thinking about you guys this week. Hope tomorrow brings answers. Hang in there.
