Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Starting over...

 We thought about various options for us, including adoption, more treatments, and simply helping out others by foster care for the time being. We gathered some info on foster care, and decided that was not the right choice for us at this time. We looked into adoption before a bit and have read a lot about it. Today we went back to the fertility doctor to discuss what has happened, and to discuss our test res ults.We visited with the main doctor at the fertility center, whom we hadn't seen since discussing initial treatment.  He said he was getting a bit nervous about seeing our test results from the tube testing and us not getting pregnant via IUI the first two rounds.  However, he was extremly happy when we got pregnant the third.  He feels in the left tube there is SIN which stands for something I'm sure, like salpingitis something or other. He wasn't speaking english at that point...haha.  He said that by the looks of the way the dye landed he was pretty sure there is scarring that is there, which prevents normal flow of sperm to the egg.  It has a small possiblity of being corrected by surgery.  He would guess the right side may have the same thing right at the beginning, allowing no dye to get into the tube.  With that background info, he was pleased that the left tube did work once. He said if it worked once, and even twice (Including Matthew's birth), we hope to get it to work a third time.  We will give it three more tries he said before we would have to look at another option, which would be surgery or IVF (invetro).
 We felt very good about proceeding with treatments again after talking to the doctor.  Don't get me wrong, I am very much not excited to go through all of this again, the emotional and financial stress (and finding 5 or 6 babysitters in the month) make me really not want to go back, and just be happy we have Matthew.  However, we would really like to bring another child into our family, and since this is the option we feel good about pursuing, so be it.  It will be a few weeks before we get started on a cycle.  I will update as time goes on. 
I was reading on the church web site about a lady who had in-vetro with a miscarriage, did another cycle of it with no success, and did not want to at all, but felt right about it so went on with it a third time, and finally got pregnant.  Doing all that is a lot more money and stress (about 12,000-14,000) for procedure and medicine alone.  Looking at stories like these reminds me I am actually very blessed for the little I have gone through so far comparatively. 
Whatever happens, happens, and although I would love more children, I know the Lord's timing and His will are best.  I feel we will be blessed with more children, but when I don't know, could be years down the road.  If they are as sweet and fun as Matthew, they will be worth the wait.

I read another article which had a quote from   Dallin H. Oaks’s talk entitled “Timing.” I really liked the quote, it reads as follows:  “The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His timing. If we can truly believe He has our welfare at heart, may we not let His plans unfold as He thinks best?”

I wish all my friends who are dealing with the same type of situations good luck in their endeavors, and as you move forward with faith you will be blessed in some way.  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck. I am glad you have a plan, that at least may be easier. We will start praying again that things go well and that this time it ends in less heart ache!
