Thursday, March 7, 2013

looks like....

Looks like we are in for a round three folks.  We were not able to get pregnant. This time it was a little more hard to get the news than the last time around because it does not leave us as hopeful for a third shot.  However, we are going to carry on and hope that third time will be a charm.  We definatly need lots of prayers for health and strength to try again.  Michael only wanted to go through this twice, but he is willing to try this last time.   I really hope we can get pregnant; however, if not, we are considering adoption also.  If we get to that stage we will also continue to discuss that on this page, so you won't be left out. :).  The other option if this does not work is IVF, invetro fertilization. We are not sure we want to do this option, as it costs much much more and is very invasive. (about 10-12,000 plus medication and of course insurance does not cover it, nor does it work everytime).  It would definatly eat up our savings and we really need to hang on to that if michael gets into school this year. So I am not sure if that would even be a real option.  Adoption is also very expensive obviously , so if this route does not work, our next child may not be here for a while...
Anyway, stayed tuned because here we go again....


  1. I wish you luck and send out my own type of prayers for your family. Keep your energy and hope up.
